Aria Therapy Wellness
Aria Therapy Wellness Dublin

Crystal Healing Dublin

Crystal healing uses precious stones and crystals on the person’s body to facilitate their own natural healing mechanisms. Crystals create a healing effect by changing the negative vibrations of painful energy to positive ones. Crystals are capable of receiving, containing, projecting, emanating, refracting, and reflecting Light, which is the highest form of energy known in the physical universe.

How does Crystal Healing Work?

Precious gems & crystals act as amplifiers when brought into contact with the human body’s seven-chakra points. The energy field known as our aura that surrounds, penetrates, and binds the body-mind-spirit is in a perpetual state of activity. It is constantly in motion, continuously taking in and sending out vibrating energy waves through vortexes of energy in the aura (known as chakras). Rotating at different speeds, these chakra points release energies, imparting the body with its precious life forces.

While your chakras can become clogged from stress or anxiety, using gems or crystals in accordance with meditation or bodywork can help balance these energy points, promoting health, happiness and well being.

Receiving Crystal healing with us will help you understand how the healing power of crystals can be used to restore wellness. By taking a brief description of the issues you would like help with, we incorporate the most appropriate crystals for what you need and can recommend crystals that may help you over a period of time. The crystals may be placed directly on or around your body as you lie fully clothed on a massage table.